Because the message shows up from one of your facebook friends in a chat screen saying "Is this you?" and a link that looks to be to a photo. I got the message and had no idea it was not from my friend. Any suggestions on what to do if the malware is downloaded on my computer?
Mcafee Web Gateway Facebook Chat
I have been tricked by the scam and now it hijacks my computer and deletes all my MSN chat windows and I'm unable to open new chatsessions again without restarting MSN. And at the sign-in page for facebook I'm unable to uncheck the "keep me signed in" and sometimes the mouse is freezing. My computer feels hijacked.__Avast AV with latest Virus/Wormlist doesn't find it.__What to do?!?!?!?
With the rise of social networks, another growing interest is enabling secure web gateways to deal with threat vectors from platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Filtering file uploads, instant messaging and chats is an area several vendors are adding, and most of the others are working on adding it. This capability is of particular interest to those in sectors such as financial services, education, government, and retail. 2ff7e9595c